
December 7th, 2019

Springdale is Getting a New Pastor!


Pastor Paul Rohde has accepted Springdale's call to be our new official pastor!  We had a special meeting of the congregation on November 17 and the vote was unanimous to call him!  His first Sunday leading the worship service will be December 15 and we'll have an announcement later about his instillation service.
From the council president's desk:
It's been a long road and there were times I wasn't sure we'd get here, but I can see God's hand guiding things to this outcome.  I was absolutely delighted to see Pastor Paul as one of our candidates during the call committee search.  I've known him since my first four years at Augustana College.  He started at Augie when I was getting involved in their outreach ministry.  He's always seemed like a warm, kind and smart pastor and Springdale is blessed to have him as our new pastor.  I'm very excited for Springdale's future and will be working closely with Pastor Paul!
I want to thank the call committee for all their hard work and putting up with me during this process.  We couldn't have done this without Heather Kruger, Geri Olsen, Garrett Hansen and Gordon Thompson.
And I'm very grateful for the year and a half we've had with Pastor Dennis as our interim.  He brought joy, enthusiasm, spirit and faith when Springdale needed it most.  He's more than earned a place as one of Springdale's beloved pastors and we won't soon forget him.  He's meant so much to all of us and especially my family.  We will miss him dearly but I'm sure he won't be a stranger.
God bless,
Les Chaon, Springdale Council President